Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Over the last couple of weeks, we have been looking at our budget and planning for baby #2. It's been a bit overwhelming. We need to get a few new things that can handle two kids and our first major purchase was going to be a double stroller. The stroller we wanted came with a price tag of $500, which was a steal. However, last night we ran into neighbors with a toddler that had a Skuut Bike.

After reading reviews, we decided that our toddler could handle going for long walks with the Skuut bike while our soon-to-be born infant could ride comfortably in the stroller.

We learned to cut the crust off and get to the middle of our goal in buying a new stroller - being able to go for long walks with two kids. The Skuut bike solves our problem and saves us around $400.

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